Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA 5TH Semester)effective from 2016-17 Academic Sesion
1 | Core Course-XI | Software Engineering | 100 | 4 |
2 | Core Course-XI Practical | Software Engineering LAB | 50 | 2 |
3 | Core Course-XII | Computer Graphics | 100 | 4 |
4 | Core Course-XII Practical | CG LAB | 50 | 2 |
5 | Discipline Specific Elective-I | Accounting & Financial Management | 100 | 4 |
6 | Discipline Specific-I Practical | AFM LAB | 50 | 2 |
7 | Discipline Specific Elective-II | ASP.NET | 100 | 4 |
8 | Discipline Specific Elective-II Practical | ASP.NET LAB | 50 | 2 |
Professional Software Development, Software Engineering Ethics, Software Processes, Software Process Models, Process Activities, Coping with Change, The Rational Unified Process, Agile Software Development, Agile Methods, Plan-Driven and Agile Development, Extreme Programming, Agile Project Management, Scaling Agile Methods.
Requirements Engineering, Functional and Non-Functional Requirements, The Software Requirements Document, Requirements Specification, Requirements Engineering Processes, Requirements Elicitation and Analysis, Requirements Validation, Requirements Management, System Modelling, Context Models, Interaction Models, Structural Models, Behavioural Models, Model-Driven, Engineering, Architectural Design, Architectural Design Decisions, Architectural Views, Architectural Patterns, Application Architectures.
Design and Implementation: Object-Oriented Design using the UML, Design Patterns, Implementation Issues, Open Source Development, Software Testing: Development Testing, Test-Driven Development, Release Testing, User Testing, Software Evolution: Evolution Processes, Program Evolution Dynamics, Software Maintenance, Legacy System Management, Dependability and Security.
Socio-technical Systems: Complex Systems, Systems Engineering, System Procurement, System Development, System Operation. Dependability and Security: Dependability Properties, Availability and Reliability, Safety, Security. Dependability and Security Specification: Risk-Driven Requirements, Specification, Safety Specification, Reliability Specification, Security, Specification, Formal Specification.
Dependability Engineering: Redundancy and Diversity, Dependable Processes, Dependable Systems Architectures, Dependable Programming. Security Engineering: Security Risk Management, Design for Security, System Survivability. Dependability and Security Assurance: Static Analysis, Reliability Testing, Security Testing, Process Assurance, Safety and Dependability Cases.
Recommended Books:
1. I. Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, 9/e, Addison Wesley.
2. R. Mall, “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, 3/e, PHI
3. R.S. Pressman, “Software Engineering”, A Practitioner‘s Approach, 7/e, McGrawHill, 2009
4. K.K. Aggarwal and Y. Singh, “Software Engineering”,2/e, New Age International Publishers, 2008
Computer Graphics: A Survey of Computer graphics, Overview of Graphics System: Video Display Devices, Raster-Scan Systems, Input Devices, Hard-Copy Devices, Graphics Software, Introduction to OpenGL. Graphics Output Primitives: Point and Lines, Algorithms for line, circle & ellipse generation, Filled-Area Primitives. Attributes of Graphics Primitives: Point, line, curve attributes, fill area attributes, fill methods for areas with irregular boundaries, Antialiasing.
Geometric Transformations (both 2-D & 3-D): Basic Geometric Transformations, Matrix Representation and Homogeneous Coordinates, Composite Transformations, Inverse Transformations, Other Transformations (Reflection, shear), Transformation between coordinate systems, Affine Transformations. Two Dimensional Viewing: Viewing pipeline, Clipping Window, Normalization & Viewport coordinate Transformations, Clipping Algorithms: Point clipping, Line clipping and Polygon clipping. Three Dimensional Viewing: 3-dimensional Viewing Concepts, Viewing pipeline, Projection Transformations (Orthogonal, Oblique parallel, Perspective), Clipping Algorithms.
Three Dimensional Object Representations: Curved Surfaces, Quadratic Surfaces, Spline Representations, Bezier Spline Curves and Surfaces, B-Spline Curves and Surfaces, Octrees, BSP Trees, Fractal Geometry Methods, Gamma correction.
Visible Surface Detection Methods: Classification of Visible-Surface Detection Algorithms, Back-Face Detection, Depth-Buffer method, A-Buffer Method, Scan line and Depth Sorting, Area subdivision Method, Ray Casting Method.
Illumination Models: Basic Illumination Models, Displaying light Intensities, Halftone Patterns and Dithering techniques, Polygon-Rendering Methods (Gouroud Shading, Phong Shading), Ray-Tracing Methods (Basic Ray-Tracing Algorithm, Ray-Surface Intersection Calculations). Computer Animation, Hierarchical Modeling (introductory idea only).
Recommended Books:
1. Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics with OpenGL”, Pearson Education. 2. A.V. Dan, F.H. Jones, J.D. Foley, S.K. Feiner, “Computer Graphics Principles & Practices in C”, 2/e, Pearson. 3. D. F. Rogers, “Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill 4. D. F. Rogers, & J. A. Adams, “Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics”, 2/e, McGraw Hill
Accounting: The Language of Business, Accounting: An Information system, users of Accounting Information, Branches of Accounting, Generally Accepted Accounting principles, The Accounting Equation, Classification of Accounts, The Double Entry System, Journal & Ledger; Process of Recording, Trial Balance & Errors.
Cash & Bank; Bank Reconciliation, Fixed Assets, Liabilities & shareholders Equity, Expenses & Revenues, Depreciation, Preparation of Final Accounts : Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet.
Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements: Ratio Analysis and Trend Analysis, Cost and cost Terminology, Classification of costs, Statement of costs.
Marginal Costing & Absorption Costing: Break-even Analysis, Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis, Job costing and Process Costing.
Budgetary Control System: Flexible Budgets, Master Budgets: Zero-base Budgeting Responsibility Accounting: Responsibility Centers, Management Control Systems
References Books :
1. T. S. Grewal : Introduction to Accounting (S.Chand )
2. Jain & Narang : Introduction to Cost Accounting(Kalyani’s)
3. S. N. Maheshwari : Management Accounting
4. R. Narayanswamy : Financial Accounting : A Managerial Perspective
5. Jawaharlal : Cost Accounting (Tata Mc Graw Hill)
6. Nigam & Jain :Cost Accounting (PHI) 7. P.C. Tulsian : Financial Accounting (Pearson )
INTRODUCTION TO .NET FRAMEWORK Genesis of .Net – Features of .Net - .Net binaries – Microsoft Intermediate Language – Meta Data - .Net types and .net name spaces – Common Language Runtime – Common Type System – Common Language Specification - .Net Applications using command line compiler and visual studio .net IDE.
BASICS OF ASP. NET: Introducing ASP .NET – Creating and deploying ASP .NET applications – Web forms – Web controls – working with events – Rich web controls – Custom web controls – Validation controls – Debugging ASP .NET pages.
ADVANCED ASP .NET: ASP .NET configuration – Business objects – HTTP Handlers – Caching in ASP .NET – ASP .NET security – Localizing ASP .NET applications – Deployment projects.
BUILDING WEB SERVICES: Introduction to web services – Web services Infrastructure – SOAP – Building a web service – Deploying and publishing web services – Finding web services – Consuming web services
ADO .NET: Basics of ADO .NET – Changes from ADO – Data Table – Data Views – Data Set – Data Relation Type – ADO .NET Managed Providers – OleDb and SQL Managed Providers – OleDb Data Adapter Type.
Text Books:
1. Mridula Parihar, et. al. – “ASP .NET Bible” – Wiley-dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Andrew Troelsen – “C# and the .Net Platform” – Apress – 2001.(Unit I and II)
Reference Books:
1. David S. Platt – “Introducing .Net” – Microsoft Press – 2002.
2. Alex Homer et. al. – “Professional ASP .NET 1.1” – Wiley-dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd. – 2004.
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